Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Hateful left

by Dan Clements Host of Back II Basic radio show

My Antagonist shared this article with me on Facebook
Conservative radio just loves to hate—and it's turning on the GOP
I don’t listen to much radio. There isn’t much radio to listen to where I live, and outside of a few shows like our o...

This is the exchange I had with my antagonist.
Dan Clements I don't love to hate, and I'm not a member of the GOP either. I comment on the news of the day

Antagonist- It says CONSERVATIVE radio, Dan...and maybe you should check some of your own FB posts before you deny rather proudly wearing the vestments of hate. Seriously.

Dan Clements you consider anything that challenges your ideas as hateful, so how can anything that challenges your ideas not be hateful in your eyes?

Antagonist- Um,..if I am interpreting your strangely posed question correctly, the answer is; Because my ideaLs are to take in the refugees, NOT refuse them; give shelter to the immigrants, NOT deport them; feed the poor, NOT deny them a "handout"; heal the sick, NOT deny their RIGHT to healthcare; bring knowledge to the ignorant, NOT to MISinform others who are too UNinformed to think past your stunted little worldview, Dan! Feeding, sheltering, welcoming, healing, how hateful is THAT crap?!

Dan Clements muslim refugees that we can't vet, Illegal immigrants, help the poor get jobs, healthcare is not a right, I back up everything I say on my show with references, so folks can make up their own minds, I teach not indoctrinate.

Antagonist- I'd beg to differ, but I don't take on a battle of wits with...oh, nevermind. Just saying, it's not exactly AVAILING your listeners to the other side of the argument by mentioning dubious "references" on a talk show. How many are actually checking into them, as opposed to just gulping down your smooth-coated propaganda? And just try to deny that you're aware that this is how that "referencing" thing works. Defensive, but not effective, Danny Boy. Why can't you be honest and just admit that your purpose is to sway thinking-impaired people to your agenda, and make the world a little more exclusive for the benefit of your regressive type? Or isn't honesty a Christian value if it applies to the poor, the sick, the needy the ignorant, etc...?

Dan Clements You make a lot of assumptions, and by doing so insult the intelligence of people who listen to my show. People get left wing propaganda all day long from the lamestream media, and if I differ from that and have facts to back me up, you say I'm just a hate monger. I share stories from both sides of the arena of ideas, I just take a more individual responsibility approach to life over we have a village approach to life where no one is responsible for anything.

If you noticed, at no time was I hateful, or personally attacked my antagonist. I try never to fall to this level of discourse, and I have people who help keep me in check.
My antagonist almost always heads in this direction when her arguments fail, and she looses her cool. Most of the time I just get out of her way and she ends up showing her hate, by her personal attacks. And the funny part is she doesn't even see her own hypocrisy!

Dan Clements is a member of the Constitution Party and the host of BACK II BASIC a Christian/political internet talk show. You can listen to Dan live from 9am-10:30am EST. M-F at

Copyright © 2015 by Permission to reprint in whole or in part is granted, provided full credit is given.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Hubris of man

By Dan Clements host of Back II Basic December 15, 2015

hu·bris ˈ(h)yo͞obrəs/ noun excessive pride or self-confidence.
arrogance, conceit, haughtiness, hauteur, pride, self-importance, egotism, pomposity, superciliousness, superiority;

Everyday we hear more and more about how 200 countries are going to save the planet from man made global climate change. We are told if we don't do something soon we will all die. We are told that we can change the global temperature.
CO2 makes up only 0.04% of the earths atmosphere. Plants need CO2 to live and thrive. From what I have been reading the school is out on how much CO2 plants use. If more CO2 means healthier well feed plants and more of them, then would it follow that more CO2 is being taken out of our atmosphere?
And can we really affect to amount of CO2 that goes into the atmosphere? I know we burn more fossil fuels and there are more people on planet earth, but if we tamper with the climate like the 200 countries want ( and I'm very doubtful they can change to climate) will we inadvertently hurt the plant kingdom and in doing so ourselves?
Should we be mindful of other pollutants we put in the atmosphere? Yes we should, but if CO2 is part of the food plants need to grow and thrive, then why would governments call it a pollutant? If plants turn CO2 into O2 for us to breath isn't that a good thing? Seems to me we have a bunch of Captain Planets running around to save a world that doesn't need saving.
The science is anything but settled, and to use faulty data smacks of putting forth an agenda that is something other than climate change.
The Paris accords on climate are nothing more than wealth redistribution on a global scale. The summit wants weather countries to fork over money to developing countries. Developing countries don't need our money they need our freedoms, free markets, and job distribution. Most of the money that would be extracted out of the global money grab would only go to politicians and the politically connected.
The one actor that has not been addressed in this whole charade, is the SUN! The SUN is the number one driver factor when it comes to global temperatures. What are they going to do about that? Send Captain Planet up there to make the SUN behave? Once again this is a money grab plan and simple and the global climate farce is the vehicle by which they plan to take it!

Dan Clements is a member of the Constitution Party and the host of BACK II BASIC a Christian/political internet talk show. You can listen to Dan live from 9am-10:30am EST. M-F at

Copyright © 2015 by Permission to reprint in whole or in part is granted, provided full credit is given.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Helping Friends

By Dan Clements host of Back II Basic December 10, 2015

This week I had the opportunity to help out some close friends of Lori and I. There was a lot of work that needed done before our friends could open a dog grooming shop at their home. I'm a handyman for a lack of a better term. My father would call me a jack of all trades and a master of none.
When I arrived to our friends house after my show on Monday, there was a Shelton of the pet grooming shop carved out of their garage. So for the next 3 afternoons, and the last afternoon ended around 11 pm, we worked to get the shop functional for some grooming appointments that they had on Thursday.
There was some minor electrical, plumbing and closing of walls with paneling that we worked on for the 3 days. They feed me really well, and the comradery we enjoyed could not be better. All in all we had a good time working on this project.
My point in saying all of this is when a friend is in need and you have talents that can help them, do so. I'm getting older and my joints and back don't work like they use to. At the end of each day I was exhausted, but satisfied knowing that I was helping some friends. I think we learned a little about each other we didn't know before. I hope this makes our friendship a little stronger in the future, as I'm sure it will.
When we use our talents (no matter what they are) to help friends, we in the end help ourselves. I came out of last week with a sense of accomplishment of doing a good job. My hope and prayer is that in doing this for some friends that they might share this story with someone and get a conversation going about how Christians are to help one another. God has blessed me in so many ways that I can't count them all. But the blessing of friends, God given talents, and fellowship are three blessing I count on every day. We can't make it through life alone, nor should we try. We need to help each other as we have opportunity and ability.
Jesus said “ and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.” Mathew 28:20b. We are never alone in Christ, and we should never be alone in our lives. So remember you have friends and if you can and have the ability, help a friend!

Dan Clements is a member of the Constitution Party and the host of BACK II BASIC a Christian/political internet talk show. You can listen to Dan live from 9am-10:30am EST. M-F at

Copyright © 2015 by Permission to reprint in whole or in part is granted, provided full credit is given.