Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Obama; Bashar al-Assad is to blame for ISIS, huh?

By Dan Clements 11/24/15

President Obama must be the world's best fisherman, because he just told a whopper!! I was finishing post show production for “Back II Basic” my internet radio show, and I was watching One American News Network coverage of president Obama and French president François Hollande joint press conference. While I was listening to president Obama speak, he said “ Bashar al-Assad was responsible for ISIS, my reaction was huh? It is my understanding that ISIS was filling a power vacuum created by our withdrawal from Iraq and the installation of a weak government in Iraq.
President Obama further went on to say that Vladimir Putin, was not helping matters by supporting Bashar al-Assad and not helping America to take him out. It is my understanding that the US is most responsible for the rise of ISIS, when we didn't complete to job in Iraq, disarmed and disbanded the Iraq army, and left Iraq vulnerable to the rise of a terrorist group. This I believe was a major cause for the Iraq civil war.
I can't argue that ISIS doesn't like Bashar al-Assad, because like Saddam Hussein, Bashar al-Assad does not tolerate terrorist period! Then reenter the United States, the administration wants to over throw Bashar al-Assad because he is not friendly to us or our agenda. We really don't know who the rebels fighting Bashar al-Assad are, and who is supporting them. Now add Russia to the mix, who supports Bashar al-Assad, and the score card gets real confusing.
Now add president Obama's stance on climate change and blaming it for all the ills in the world, and you have a pretty clear picture of what is going on in the world, especially the middle east.
The Washington Examiner ran an article entitled “National security issues expose the danger of amateur candidates” in the article they made a statement that made me laugh, “Today, from the threats posed by hostile regimes in Iran, China, Russia and elsewhere, to the dilemma of Syrian refugees, to the challenges of the Islamic State and the broader Middle East, the world cannot afford to have an amateur in the Oval Office.” I couldn't believe my eyes when I read this and shared it on my show Back II Basic episode 419 . the world cannot afford to have an amateur in the Oval Office”, it's because of the amateur in the White House now that the world seems to be falling apart. We need to get out of all these “foreign entanglements” and hit the reset button, let the fires we set burn out and in the future try to mind our own business!
Instead of blaming everyone else, we need to look at our foreign policy and get back to being friends to all countries who want to be friends with us, and stay out of others countries business, and maybe just maybe things might start correcting themselves without our help!!

Copyright © 2015 by backIIbasic.com. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is granted, provided full credit is given.

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