Friday, November 13, 2015

Can you just create a Bill of Rights?

By Dan Clements 11/13/15

A pro-amnesty group called United We Stay has put forward a Bill of Rights for illegal immigrants. The group calls illegal immigrants “law-abiding undocumented Americans.” My first observation would be that the illegal immigrant broke US law to get here, strike one. Too remain here and partake of our welfare state is strike two. To defraud the US government in matters of taxation and Social Security, is strike three. These so called “law-abiding undocumented Americans” are anything but law abiding, their very presence in the US is a violation of US law. The crimes some of them commit, from murder, rape, SS and IRS fraud are just naming a few of the crimes they commit.
They claim just because their children are born on US soil, that makes the child a US citizen. They claim their children are entitled to all sorts of benefits that are reserved for actual US citizens. Education, medical services, and to right to exercise certain freedoms in the US. John Feere from the Center for Immigration Studies was on my show and laid out the argument against the anchor baby theory. Episode 359:Birth right citizenship. An interview w/Jon Feere from CIS
Thomas Jefferson and the committee of five put forth in the Declaration of Independence “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” I agree that all men and women everywhere have these rights and more, that are given to them by God, but where we part company on exercising these is that you don't have the ability to practice these anywhere you like. In order to practice your rights you must be a legal resident of the country you want to practice these rights in. I can go to China and practice these rights but there may be some consequences that I may have to face for doing so. For one thing I'm not a legal citizen of China, and two China may not want me to exercise some of the rights. That doesn't mean I don't have those rights, it just means that China may restrict me from exercising these rights. Even if I were a legal citizen of China, the government still may not allow me to exercise these rights.

There is a legal process people go through to immigrate to a country, and the US has a process in place for legal immigration. When you circumvent that process, and come here illegally, you just forfeited any rights you may think you have! When criminals are tried and convicted in the US, they forfeit there liberty and pursuit of happiness. If you break the law, there are always consequences, or at least there should be.

This so called “Bill of Rights” for illegal immigrants is a joke and a slap in the face of what America and the men and women who founded it, stood for and thought. We have belittled what a “Bill of Rights” is and does by attaching it to everything from flying on airplanes, taxpayers, students, etc. And now we have people who are trying to convince us that law breakers have a “Bill of Rights.” Here are the so called “Bill of Rights” for “law-abiding undocumented Americans” and my commentary on each one;
1. Acknowledgment that we are already here, that we are human beings with a right to be, that our mere presence cannot be deemed illegal or our existence alien. (You broke the law coming into our country illegally, therefore you are illegally in the US and therefore alien to us in citizenship)
2. Affirmation that we are to be treated with dignity and respect, not just because of who we are, but who you are — historic beneficiaries of immigrant struggles for the freedom to be. (America's immigrant struggles were not with people coming here illegally, it was with the amount of people coming here and the concern that they wouldn't assimilate into the American culture. The freedom to be, is only guaranteed to those who have a legal right to be here)
3. Recognition of our right to be presented with a path to citizenship/residency as the first priority of future immigration policy combined with interim deferment of all law-abiding Undocumented Americans against detention and deportation. ( Again there is no such thing as “ law-abiding Undocumented Americans” You broke and continue to break the law by coming and staying here in the US!)
4. Compelled authorization of birth certificates for our U.S.-born children to ensure their constitutionally guaranteed right to citizenship. (Please refer to my conversation with John Feere of CIS)
5. Protection against cruel and unusual punishment, including the separation of our immediate families and incarceration without charges, hearings or representation. ( The fifth and fourteenth amendments to the US Constitution, guaranties due process rights for American citizens. In most countries they would deport illegal immigrants, because they broke their immigration laws. Our laws are very similar and deportation is the only remedy for coming here illegally. Due process would be to determine your immigration status, and if your found to be here illegally, then we send you and anyone with you who is here illegally back to your country of origin.)
6. Access to non-discriminating public education and in-state tuition to ensure that our children realize their full potential for themselves and the country. (Again there is no such thing as birthright citizenship as defined by United We Stay. Therefore illegal immigrants do not have a right to any services offered by our country.)
7. Guarantee of wage equality with a legal right to petition for wage theft or workplace mistreatment without jeopardizing our immigration status. (How do you get a job without fraud when you are here illegally? You can't therefore you just broke more laws by being here and trying to work here!)
8. Assurance of humanitarian treatment, including medical care. (We are good people here in America, and if it's emergency medical care that is required, it will be provided. We treat illegal immigrants better than most countries do, and tolerate them more than most countries do.)
9. Protection against detention or deportation when we report a crime as a victim of witness. (Again you are here illegally, you don't have the Fifth amendment protections an American citizen has.)
  1. Guarantee of the Declaration’s unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. (You already have those rights, you just don't have the right to practice them here as a law breaker) 

    The bottom line is, if illegal immigrants came here through the legal process we would not be having this conversation. And because they come here illegally, they jump the line and disregard the rights of immigrants who came and are trying to come here legally! Most of the countries I have visited, when you break the law, there are consequences. Why do the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, think they are about our laws?
Dan Clements is a member of the Constitution Party and the host of BACK II BASIC a Christian/political internet talk show. You can listen to Dan live from 9am-10:30am EST. M-F at

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