By Dan Clements
The 2008 election season is in full swing. The Lamestream media has its two big box party nominees in place, and all is right with the world. We can all just go about our business as usual and know that we are going to be served by the best people possible. Right?
Let take a look at that for a minute. Who is serving who? If you look at the Obama campaign, it’s not we the people. You can look at any major issue facing the American people today, and you will not find one solution from the Obama camp that does not pander to a special interest groups, violates the U.S. Constitution, or take and usurp more of our freedoms and liberties!
When it comes to the economy, Obama doesn’t have clue one how a FREE market economy works, nor even how to find out how a FREE market economy works. Or maybe more to the point doesn’t care! He wants to tax achievement and success through windfall profits tax on oil companies. Obama either doesn’t know or care that WE THE PEOPLE own these PUBLICLY TRADED companies and the only ones that will be hurt are WE THE PEOPLE! Obama panders to the “Green Mafia” who are communist in disguise, and want only to bring down America so they can be in charge.
Obama, if elected, wants to nationalize as much of the nation as he can get away with. The sad part about this is, that a lot of Americans will let him get away with this, because of how effective the Liberal Social Fascist in our government have duped the public into letting them take care of them. Some Americans have become so lazy and don’t want to take care of themselves, that they have allowed the government to be their nanny. It is so bad, that if you suggest that people take care of themselves they are scared into compliance by the LSF’s on the premise that they will lose all that they have. Thing is, Americans that live off of the government largesse, have already lost what it means to be truly American.
Immigration, national security, healthcare, judicial appointments, states rights, and the list goes on, you fill in the blank, all these issues if elected, Obama will do the will of the special interest groups and the DNC under the guise doing it for the people.
And let’s not forget McCain. John McCain is the very definition of RINO. If McCain is a conservative, then I’m the pope! McCain admits to not knowing much about the economy, and from what I have seen and heard, he doesn’t know much about the U.S. Constitution either. McCain wants to give $300 million to someone for inventing a new battery for cars. Where is he going to get that money from, the Chinese? That’s the only place, because we are broke as a nation. If elected, there is no guarantee that McCain will not cave into the LSF’s in congress and be just as liberal as Obama! The Democrats have a seat with his name on it on their side of the isle, so he can rest his feet when he is over their. McCain needs a few lessons in FREE market economies also.
There is only one clear choice for POTUS, Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party. Chuck understands the role of government, the FREE markets, the U.S. Constitution, and WE THE PEOPLE in making America great! Chuck gets it when we talk about limited, constitutional government. How we the people are in charge and not the politicians we send to Washington D.C. We need to take our government back from the special interest groups and the LSF that permeate the lives of OUR elected officials.
Dan Clements is a member of the Constitution Party and the host of BACK TO BASIC a Christian/political internet talk show. You can listen to Dan live from 10am-1pm EST. M-F at
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