By: Dan Clements
The argument about abortion has hit a new low at least were I’m concerned. Abortion is health care? What is there about carrying a baby to term is unhealthy for a woman? What percentage of woman is risking their health by carrying a baby to term? According to the Guttmacher Institute, nationwide about 7.14% of abortions are sought for health reasons. That means 92.86% of pregnant woman are choosing abortion for reasons other than health.
I have just been reading an article about liberty and equality. Liberty: The Other Equality (Roderick T. Long). The article talks about three different types of equality; socioeconomic, law, and authority. The first two presuppose that that the people that are administering equality are benevolent and have the people’s best interest at heart. The third, one states that we all have the same authority over our own liberty. I prescribe to this form of liberty. In America no one can take my authority or liberty unless I give it up! I may forfeit my liberty through an unlawful act, but in the final analysis, it was my choice to break the law and I must face the consequences for my actions.
The unborn child has the same authority in regards to liberty as I have, or the mother has. No one except the child can relinquish that authority, and the U.S. Constitution was put in place to protect life, liberty! Although we as parents are the guardians of our children’s liberty, we cannot forfeit that liberty for them under any circumstance, nor usurp their authority when it comes to their liberty. This is not to say the child is not under subjection to their parents until the legal age of accountability. This subjection is a benevolent dictatorship in my house, where the rule is “my house my rule.” The subjection in my house is limited to what the child can do, not who they can be. I emphasize what they “can be”, that means I allow them the freedom to become what they want, not what I want.
In a free country, people are given the freedom to be what they want to be and do what they want to do, as long as that freedom doesn’t take away from someone else’s freedom or liberty. Equality of authority is the only way we can truly be a free people. I don’t have the authority to take someone’s life or property. Nobody in these United States has the authority to take something from me by using the government as the means to do so. In the same manner government can not legalize abortion, because that would be usurping the authority of someone else without their permission!
If we really want to be a free people and become again the America our founding fathers envisioned, then we need to, as a self governing people, take back from the government and from wrong thinking citizens, OUR AUTHORITY, OUR LIBERTY AND GIVE BACK TO THE UNBORN THEIR GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO THE SAME!
Dan Clements is a member of the Constitution Party and the host of BACK TO BASIC a Christian/political internet talk show. You can listen to Dan live from 10am-1pm EST. M-F at
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