by Dan Clements Host of Back II Basic
radio show
My Antagonist shared
this article with me on Facebook
Conservative radio just loves to hate—and it's turning on the GOP
I don’t listen to much radio. There
isn’t much radio to listen to where I live, and outside of a few
shows like our o...
This is the exchange I had with my
Clements I don't love to hate, and I'm not a
member of the GOP either. I comment on the news of the day
Clements you consider anything that challenges
your ideas as hateful, so how can anything that challenges your ideas
not be hateful in your eyes?
Antagonist- Um,..if I am
interpreting your strangely posed question correctly, the answer is;
Because my ideaLs are to take in the refugees, NOT refuse them; give
shelter to the immigrants, NOT deport them; feed the poor, NOT deny
them a "handout"; heal the sick, NOT deny their RIGHT to
healthcare; bring knowledge to the ignorant, NOT to MISinform others
who are too UNinformed to think past your stunted little worldview,
Dan! Feeding, sheltering, welcoming, healing, how
hateful is THAT crap?!
Clements muslim refugees that we can't vet,
Illegal immigrants, help the poor get jobs, healthcare is not a
right, I back up everything I say on my show with references, so
folks can make up their own minds, I teach not indoctrinate.
Antagonist- I'd beg to differ,
but I don't take on a battle of wits with...oh, nevermind. Just
saying, it's not exactly AVAILING your listeners to the other side of
the argument by mentioning dubious "references" on a talk
show. How many are actually checking into them, as opposed to just
gulping down your smooth-coated propaganda? And just try to deny that
you're aware that this is how that "referencing" thing
works. Defensive, but not effective, Danny Boy. Why can't you be
honest and just admit that your purpose is to sway thinking-impaired
people to your agenda, and make the world a little more exclusive for
the benefit of your regressive type? Or isn't honesty a Christian
value if it applies to the poor, the sick, the needy the ignorant,
Clements You make a lot of assumptions, and by
doing so insult the intelligence of people who listen to my show.
People get left wing propaganda all day long from the lamestream
media, and if I differ from that and have facts to back me up, you
say I'm just a hate monger. I share stories from both sides of the
arena of ideas, I just take a more individual responsibility approach
to life over we have a village approach to life where no one is
responsible for anything.
If you noticed, at no time was I hateful, or personally attacked my antagonist. I try never to fall to this level of discourse, and I have people who help keep me in check.
My antagonist almost always heads in this direction when her arguments fail, and she looses her cool. Most of the time I just get out of her way and she ends up showing her hate, by her personal attacks. And the funny part is she doesn't even see her own hypocrisy!
Dan Clements is a member of the Constitution Party and the host of BACK II BASIC a Christian/political internet talk show. You can listen to Dan live from 9am-10:30am EST. M-F at
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