Monday, June 29, 2009

Amnesty Watch Marathon weekend June 27 and 28 2009

By: Dan Clements June 29 2009

It’s Monday Morning and I’m just trying to get my head around the information overload form all the shows this weekend hosted by The Conservative Alliance Media Network ( ( in the immortal words of the long time Chicago Cub’s radio announcer Harry Caray “ holy cow”
Subjects ranged from crimes by Illegal aliens to how much of the government money, our taxes, are being wasted by Illegal aliens every day in this country. We talked about healthcare, welfare, identity theft, taxes, cultural destruction, and much more. There were a whole host of panel discussions on a lot of these subjects.
Most of what was aired over the weekend, you will not find talked about in the lamestream media, or by our cowardly politicians in Washington D.C. In regards to our elected officials’, they are found wanting with the facts about all the problems with illegal aliens, starting with what to call them. Illegal aliens are not immigrants in any way, shape, or form! They are not undocumented, because they steal people’s identity daily to be able to work here! Or they overstay their visas, and wreck havoc on our legal immigration system!
Illegal aliens come here uninvited; will not melt into our distinctively unique American culture. Illegal aliens want to remake this country into a third world cesspool, like the one they came from (Mexico), instead of staying in their own country and changing things!
Illegal aliens are cowards in that they run away from their problems in their home country, instead of changing things in their country. And their governments encourage this behavior, because if they didn’t then the people may get the idea that a change in government is called for and they would be on the outside looking in or dead!
And our politicians and bureaucrats are literally breaking the law everyday they allow this illegal alien situation to continue! We have laws on the books that are not be followed or enforced. We have state and local Politian’s turning a blind eye to what is happening to our country and the rule of law. We have mayors that are aiding and abetting these criminals by claiming a sanctuary status for their cities. The law is the law and to break it just because you don’t agree with it or to gain political point with certain constituents is an impeachable offense! Any American, who breaks these laws, should be brought to justice, from the President of the United States, to the lowliest of citizens!
Folks this weekend a group of Americans came together and voiced our opposition to the powers that be! WE are mad and we will not take it anymore! This weekend the country has been put on notice, stop illegal aliens now or we will not have a country to call our own! The time is well past to have put in place a border fence that would stop something forty foot tall, hairy, with fangs from coming across our southern border! This fence is to keep undesirables out not people in this country.
We need to take a hard long look at our current immigration policy and see if we need to let all the people in we are letting in now, or make them stay in their own countries and make their country better for themselves and their fellow countrymen! We cannot solve the world’s problems by importing them here. We need to keep that intellectual capital in the countries that need it most.
If you are an American and you care about OUR country, please help us fight this pox on our country, illegal immigration, and hold our elected and unelected officials accountable for breaking this nation’s laws!

Dan Clements is a member of the Constitution Party and the host of BACK TO BASIC a Christian/political internet talk show. You can listen to Dan live from 10am-12 noon EST. M-F at and
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