Monday, March 16, 2009

Union rules or free market rules?

By Dan Clements 03/14/2009

There has been a huge debate going on recently centering around the secret ballot that employees enjoy now when asked whether or not to organize a union where they work. Its called card check or the Employee Fair Choice Act. EFCA will allow union organizers to call for an open vote, where they and anyone else who wants to know who voted which way can! If EFCA passes congress this will open the door for abuse by the unions and businesses to be able to intimidate workers to vote the way they want them to vote. EFCA should never see the light of day. Why open the door for possible abuse by all parties concerned? Why are unions pushing so hard for this legislation? Because with the union ranks hovering around 14% of the US workforce, and American workers being better informed about how free market economics and competition can make their lives better than any union could ever hope too, American workers are rejecting union ideology for freedom!
Unions would have workers believe if they went away today, that the workforce would spiral into chaos, and then there wouldn't be anyone to protect the worker. Unions make the argument that if they were not here that wages would go down and we would be working for little to nothing per hour. Unions would have you believe that work place safety would suffer without them. Unions would have you believe that all aspects of the workers life would suffer without them. Unions use coercion to get what they want. What about this is freedom?
Let us also not forget the added cost to businesses and goods that unions artificially add to the price of everything they produce. This happens through artificially higher wages, benefits, and unreasonable staffing requirements. Union wages, benefits and staffing requirements are not set by market forces, they are negotiated and forced on the markets.
I don't buy into the arguments about unions being responsible for 40 hour work weeks, safety, and other so called workplace advancements. Unions have never been 100% of the workforce, so what made all non-union businesses treat their workers well? In a nutshell it's competition! It stands to reason in a free market system, in order to keep good employees, you have to be fair with them. You have to treat them the way you would want to be treated. If you don't treat people well in the work force, there is always someone out there that is willing to treat workers better than you do. At some point the market reaches a balance point when it comes to workers and how you treat them.
There are always employers out there who are willing to go the extra mile to keep their employees happy, and when that happens it forces other employers to do the same or suffer the consequences of their actions! Competition affects all aspects of businesses and work life. It improves safety, benefits, salaries, moral, prices, and cost. Markets should always be the instrument to set all aspects of a workers work and a businesses function.
When ever an outside entity tries to control work or business through arbitrary and artificial means, and does not have anything at risk in what they are trying to control, they end up destroying it instead of making it better. Unions and government fall into this category. People are better able to gage and decide what is best for them, as well as entrepreneurs, because they are the only ones that know themselves and limitations better than any union or government can!
So when it comes to choices and voting, lets keep it secret! And remember when it comes to choices, let freedom be our guiding rule!

Dan Clements is a member of the Constitution Party and the host of BACK TO BASIC a Christian/political internet talk show. You can listen to Dan live from 10am-12 noon EST. M-F at and

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