By: Dan Clements
I have just completed reading the Catholic League’s report on “The Golden Compass” and although I agree with their assessment of Philip Pullman as a militant atheist, I can hardly disagree with Mr. Pullman’s assertions about the Catholic church.
Throughout the Catholic church’s history, they have been anything but Christ like in their dealings with those in the Catholic church and outside of it. From forbidding marriage, to abstaining from meats, to paying penitence, to how the Catholic church is organized. When you look at any church that claims to be “Christian” you need to be mindful of where we derive our authority. Our authority in all that we do comes from God through his holy word. If God is the authority, then can any church not organized according to scripture be truly Christian?
Far too often in our history and today, we have radicals that claim to be from God and do his bidding. The Catholic church gave the world the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, and the pope. They started wars all over
Islam can be compared to the Catholic church in the same fashion as Philip Pullman denounces radical organized religion. There have always been a number of adherents to Islam or Catholicism that did not agree with what was going on in their respective religions, but stood by and condoned and still condone the actions of a few.
Atheists like
I urge anyone reading this article to also read the New Testament with an open mind and heart. Don’t read the scriptures through any man made religious glasses, but let God’s word speak to you and let God’s word tell you what it means, not what the pope or muhammad wants you to believe.
Don’t overlook the evidence in the scriptures that points to God as the creator and sustainer of the universe. Atheist like to use word play to discount God’s word. Just like leftist in this country like to change the meaning of words to fit their political agenda.
So don’t get caught up in fruitless arguments that go around in circles. Do your home work and investigate the matter for yourselves. Be skeptical and make sure what someone is saying is fact or truth or not.
Dan Clements is a member of the Constitution Party and the host of BACK TO BASIC a Christian/political internet talk show. You can listen to Dan from 9pm-midnight EST. M-F at
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