By: Dan Clements
The title of my article is taken from the book of Proverbs chapter 14 verse 15. What prompted me to title my column thus is an article I read on about why they do what they do.
In the article they discuss two different philosophies stated by 17th century philosophers René Descartes and Baruch de Spinoza. “In 1641, French philosopher René Descartes suggested that the act of understanding an idea comes first; we accept the idea only after evaluating whether or not it rings true. Thirty-six years later, the Dutch philosopher Baruch de Spinoza offered a very different account of belief formation. Spinoza proposed that understanding and believing happen simultaneously. We might come to reject something we held to be true after considering it more carefully, but belief happens prior to the examination. On Spinoza’s model, the brain forms beliefs automatically. Rejecting a belief requires a conscious act.
Harvard psychologist Daniel T. Gilbert designed a series of experiments aimed specifically at determining whether Descartes or Spinoza got it right. Gilbert’s verdict: Spinoza is the winner. People who fail to carry through the evaluation process are likely to believe whatever statements they read. Gilbert concludes that “people do have the power to assent, to reject, and to suspend their judgment, but only after they have believed the information to which they have been exposed.”
Gilbert’s studies show that, initially at least, we do believe everything we hear. But it’s equally obvious that we reject many of those beliefs, sometimes very quickly and other times only after considerable work. We may not be skeptical by nature, but we can nonetheless learn to be skeptical. “
A wise and sensible man or woman will consider what they hear and read. Being skeptical is not a bad thing. Webster defines skeptical as “the method of suspended judgment, systematic doubt, or criticism characteristic of skeptics” Skeptic entomology:
Latin or Greek; Latin scepticus, from Greek skeptikos, from skeptikos thoughtful, from skeptesthai to look, consider
To be thoughtful about a particular subject, no matter what it is, is to be wise. The old saying about believing half of what you see and none of what you hear is good advice for people today. We need more skeptics when it comes to politics and religion. We need to investigate what we see and hear to see if we are getting the truth and facts about what people are telling us to believe or do.
When it comes to politicians, and televangelist, being skeptical should be standard operating procedure. You should be skeptical of this article too. You don’t know me or my history on whether I’m giving you the straight skinny on this subject either. It will not hurt my feelings if you doubt what I say, as long as you investigate and find out for yourself if what I’m saying is accurate.
As a member of the Constitution Party, I want people to be skeptical of what politicians are saying on the campaign trail. I want people to examine the candidate’s positions on different subjects and compare them to the U.S. Constitution. If you find what is being proposed by the candidates is not constitutional, then you have a choice to make. Either you continue to believe and uphold what is being said or you reject the message and the messenger and look for a true candidate you can support.
As a New Testament Christian, I want people to be skeptical of what they are being taught about God, Christ, and his word for us. We need to as Paul told Timothy in 2Tim 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Whether in politics or religion, we need to study and search for truth and facts. If we fail to do this then we are naïve and will delieve anything.
Dan Clements is a member of the Constitution Party and the host of BACK TO BASIC a Christian/political internet talk show. You can listen to Dan from 9pm-midnight EST. M-F at