By Chuck Baldwin
November 7, 2008
That Barack Obama trounced John McCain last Tuesday should have surprised no
one. In fact, in this column, weeks ago, I stated emphatically that John McCain
could no more beat Barack Obama than Bob Dole could beat Bill Clinton. He
didn't. (Hence a vote for John McCain was a "wasted" vote, was it
not?) I also predicted that Obama would win with an electoral landslide. He did.
The real story, however, is not how Barack Obama defeated John McCain. The real
story is how John McCain defeated America's conservatives.
For all intents and purposes, conservatism--as a national movement--is
completely and thoroughly dead. Barack Obama did not destroy it, however. It was
George W. Bush and John McCain who destroyed conservatism in America.
Soon after G.W. Bush was elected, it quickly became obvious he was no
conservative. On the contrary, George Bush has forever established himself as a
Big-Government, warmongering, internationalist neocon. Making matters worse was
the way Bush presented himself as a conservative Christian. In fact, Bush's
portrayal of himself as a conservative Christian paved the way for the betrayal
and ultimate destruction of conservatism (something I also predicted years ago).
And the greatest tragedy of this deception is the way that Christian
conservatives so thoroughly (and stupidly) swallowed the whole Bush/McCain
neocon agenda.
For example, Bush and his fellow neocons like to categorize and promote
themselves as being "pro-life," but they have no hesitation or
reservation about killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people in reckless
and unconstitutional foreign wars. By the same token, how many unborn babies
were saved by six years of all three branches of the federal government being
under the control of these "pro-life" neocons? Not one! Ask the more
than eight million unborn babies who were killed in their mothers' wombs
during the last eight years how "pro-life" George W. Bush and John
McCain are.
As a result of this insanely inconsistent and pixilated punditry, millions of
Americans now laugh at the very notion of "pro-life" conservatism.
Bush and McCain have made a mockery of the very term.
Consider, too, the way Bush and McCain have allowed the international bankers
on Wall Street to bilk America's taxpayers out of trillions of dollars. Yes,
I know Obama also supported the Wall Street bailout, but it was the Republican
Party that controlled the White House for the last eight years and the entire
federal government for six out of the last eight years. In fact, the GOP has won
seven out of the previous ten Presidential elections. They have controlled
Supreme Court appointments for the past thirty-plus years. They have appointed
the majority of Treasury secretaries and Federal Reserve chairmen. They have
presided over the greatest trade imbalances, the biggest deficits, the biggest
spending increases, and now the worst financial disaster since the Great
Again, the American people look at these so-called "conservatives"
and laugh. No wonder such a sizeable majority of voters yawned when John McCain
tried to scare them by accusing Barack Obama of being a "big taxer."
How can one possibly scare people with a charge like that after the GOP has made
a total mockery of fiscal conservatism? That's like trying to scare someone
coming out from a swim in the Gulf of Mexico with a squirt gun.
Then there was the pathetic attempt by the National Rifle Association (NRA) to
scare gun owners regarding an Obama White House. Remember that John McCain is
the same guy that the NRA rightly condemned for proposing his blatantly
unconstitutional McCain/Feingold bill. McCain is also the same guy that tried to
close down gun shows. He even made a personal campaign appearance for a pro-gun
control liberal in the State of Oregon a few short years ago. In fact, the Gun
Owners of America (GOA) gave McCain a grade of "F" for his dismal
record on Second Amendment issues. Once again, Chicken Little-style paranoia
over Barack Obama rang hollow when the alternative was someone as liberal as
John McCain.
But the worst calamity of this election was the way conservatives--especially
Christian conservatives--surrendered their principles for the sake of political
partisanship. The James Dobsons of this country should hang their heads in
shame! Not only did they lose an election, they lost their integrity!
In South Carolina, for example, pro-life Christians and conservatives had an
opportunity to vote for a principled conservative-constitutionalist for the U.S.
Senate. He is pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, and pro-traditional marriage. He
believes in securing our borders against illegal immigration. He is against the
bailout for the Wall Street banksters. His conservative credentials are
unassailable. But the vast majority of Christian conservatives (including those
at Bob Jones University) voted for his liberal opponent instead.
The man that the vast majority of Christian conservatives voted for in South
Carolina is a Big-Government neocon. He supported the bailout of the Wall Street
banksters. He is a rabid supporter of granting amnesty and a pathway to
citizenship for illegal aliens. In fact, this man has a conservative rating of
only 29% in the current Freedom Index of the New American Magazine.
Why did Christian conservatives support the liberal neocon and not the solid
pro-life conservative? Because the conservative ran as a Democrat and the neocon
is a Republican. I'm talking about the race between Bob Conley and Lindsey
Graham, of course.
Had South Carolina's pastors, Christians, evangelicals, and pro-life
conservatives voted for Bob Conley, he would be the new senator-elect from that
state. In fact, Bob was so conservative that the Democratic leadership in South
Carolina endorsed the Republican, Lindsey Graham! No matter. A majority of
evangelical Christians in South Carolina stupidly rejected Bob Conley and voted
for Graham.
Across the country, rather than stand on principle, hundreds of thousands of
pastors, Christians, and pro-life conservatives capitulated and groveled before
John McCain's neocon agenda. In doing so, they forfeited any claim to truth,
and they abandoned any and all fidelity to constitutional government. They
should rip the stories of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego out of their
Bibles. They should never again tell their children, parishioners, and radio
audiences the importance of standing for truth and principle. They have made a
mockery of Christian virtue. No wonder a majority of the voting electorate
laughs at us Christians. No wonder the GOP crashed and burned last Tuesday.
Again, it wasn't Barack Obama who destroyed conservatism; it was George W.
Bush, John McCain, and the millions of evangelical Christians who supported
them. And until conservatives find their backbone and their convictions, they
deserve to remain a burnt-out, has-been political force. They have no one to
blame but themselves.
And since it is unlikely that the Republican Party has enough sense to
understand any of this and will, therefore, do little to reestablish genuine
conservative principles, it is probably best to just go ahead and bury the
scoundrels now and move on to something else. Without a sincere commitment to
constitutional government, the GOP has no justifiable reason to ever govern
again. Therefore, put a fork in them. They are done. Let a new entity arise from
the ashes: one that will stand for something more than just "the lesser of
two evils." As we say in the South, That dog just won't hunt anymore.
Chuck Baldwin
CONSTITUTIONAL WARRIOR is a Christian/political blog I discuss national and world news and culture. We focus on political news and events. One of our underlying themes is the lack of freedom in the United States. I’m a conservative and a member of the Constitution party.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Where do we go from here?
By Dan Clements November 5, 2008
The 2008 elections are over and some folks are mad and others are elated. For the Constitution Party, it was a win, in that we earned ballot access in 38 states, the most this party has ever earned. And make no doubt, the party earned them.
So what is next for the Constitution Party? We made a good run and a good showing for ourselves, in spite of the lack of press coverage, the lack of debate participation on all levels, and the fact that the deck is stacked against alternative political parties as a whole.
First, we need to gear up on a local level for the 2010 mid term elections. I have started a Meetup group on the internet for the 10th congressional district here in PA, under the Constitution Party banner. I would suggest all Constitution Party members do the same, so they can start organizing thing in their own back yard. We need to find people who like the Constitution Party platform and would support it and promote it.
We need to change the face of politics on a local, state, and federal level. But it must start at the local and state level. It needs to start on a local level, so we can show the electorate we are a serious party. Once we start holding local offices, we need to get the word out about the Constitution Party, and register as many people under this banner.
Next we need to start winning state office positions, so we can change politics on a state level. A couple of changes on a state level would be one, resend the major party status of the Democrats and Republicans. All any political party should have to do to gain ballot access is have a state party chapter as well as a national headquarters, pay a filing fee and that’s it. Two, do away with the winner takes all, when it comes to the Electoral College. If a candidate takes a congressional district, that elector is his or hers. This was the original intent of the founding fathers. Elections would be fairer and people would not feel disenfranchised about their vote not counting.
We need to support groups who will open the debate process to all those folks running for office as long as they have earned ballot access. Participation should not be based on polling data of the biased opinion of the Lamestream media. If you did enough work to gain and earn ballot access, that should be enough to gain debate access.
We need to quit supporting the Lamestream media that has sold their constitutionally protected souls to the highest bidder. By not buying, watching or listening to the wholly bias view of the Lamestream media, we can let our checkbooks do the talking and take away some of their power to influence elections. The Lamestream media needs to get back to reporting the news, instead of crafting the news. If the Lamestream media continues down this path, they are no longer the press and then would not be protected under the constitution.
We have about 735 days of Democan rule in congress, and we can’t waste any of them. We need to donate to the national Constitution Party, so they can advertise more on behalf of the party and get the word out. We need to talk to our friends and neighbors about what is important when it comes to their choices in politics. We need to teach the Constitution to every one we know, so they can make an informed choice. We need to make folks realize that it should be country first, and party second. If the Constitution Party ever left its roots, I will be the first to drop them and look else where.
I host the internet radio talk show BACK TO BASIC on Blog Talk Radio, and I talk a lot about the U.S. Constitution, the founding documents, and the founding fathers. I will continue to fight for this country over my microphone, and change minds one at a time through thoughtful debate and correct analyses of current events. I have and will look at all things political through the prism of the U.S. Constitution, and if they don’t pass muster, then I will voice that to my audience. We all need to speech out and keep the Constitution Party in the minds of the supporters now and in the future. We should not surrender this country without a fight.
Dan Clements is a member of the Constitution Party and the host of BACK TO BASIC a Christian/political internet talk show. You can listen to Dan live from 10am-12 noon EST. M-F at and
The 2008 elections are over and some folks are mad and others are elated. For the Constitution Party, it was a win, in that we earned ballot access in 38 states, the most this party has ever earned. And make no doubt, the party earned them.
So what is next for the Constitution Party? We made a good run and a good showing for ourselves, in spite of the lack of press coverage, the lack of debate participation on all levels, and the fact that the deck is stacked against alternative political parties as a whole.
First, we need to gear up on a local level for the 2010 mid term elections. I have started a Meetup group on the internet for the 10th congressional district here in PA, under the Constitution Party banner. I would suggest all Constitution Party members do the same, so they can start organizing thing in their own back yard. We need to find people who like the Constitution Party platform and would support it and promote it.
We need to change the face of politics on a local, state, and federal level. But it must start at the local and state level. It needs to start on a local level, so we can show the electorate we are a serious party. Once we start holding local offices, we need to get the word out about the Constitution Party, and register as many people under this banner.
Next we need to start winning state office positions, so we can change politics on a state level. A couple of changes on a state level would be one, resend the major party status of the Democrats and Republicans. All any political party should have to do to gain ballot access is have a state party chapter as well as a national headquarters, pay a filing fee and that’s it. Two, do away with the winner takes all, when it comes to the Electoral College. If a candidate takes a congressional district, that elector is his or hers. This was the original intent of the founding fathers. Elections would be fairer and people would not feel disenfranchised about their vote not counting.
We need to support groups who will open the debate process to all those folks running for office as long as they have earned ballot access. Participation should not be based on polling data of the biased opinion of the Lamestream media. If you did enough work to gain and earn ballot access, that should be enough to gain debate access.
We need to quit supporting the Lamestream media that has sold their constitutionally protected souls to the highest bidder. By not buying, watching or listening to the wholly bias view of the Lamestream media, we can let our checkbooks do the talking and take away some of their power to influence elections. The Lamestream media needs to get back to reporting the news, instead of crafting the news. If the Lamestream media continues down this path, they are no longer the press and then would not be protected under the constitution.
We have about 735 days of Democan rule in congress, and we can’t waste any of them. We need to donate to the national Constitution Party, so they can advertise more on behalf of the party and get the word out. We need to talk to our friends and neighbors about what is important when it comes to their choices in politics. We need to teach the Constitution to every one we know, so they can make an informed choice. We need to make folks realize that it should be country first, and party second. If the Constitution Party ever left its roots, I will be the first to drop them and look else where.
I host the internet radio talk show BACK TO BASIC on Blog Talk Radio, and I talk a lot about the U.S. Constitution, the founding documents, and the founding fathers. I will continue to fight for this country over my microphone, and change minds one at a time through thoughtful debate and correct analyses of current events. I have and will look at all things political through the prism of the U.S. Constitution, and if they don’t pass muster, then I will voice that to my audience. We all need to speech out and keep the Constitution Party in the minds of the supporters now and in the future. We should not surrender this country without a fight.
Dan Clements is a member of the Constitution Party and the host of BACK TO BASIC a Christian/political internet talk show. You can listen to Dan live from 10am-12 noon EST. M-F at and
Why McCain and the RNC lost!
By Dan Clements November 5, 2008
Last night the election took place and Barack Obama walked away with a convincing Electoral College vote. The popular vote was much closer, but when it comes to electing presidents, it’s the Electoral College that counts.
Barack Obama run a good campaign and out spent McCain 2 or 3 to 1. In this article we will not deal with the dishonesty of the Obama campaign, these have been enumerated throughout the presidential race. And winning at any cost, without regard to morals, honesty, and playing by the rules is no win at all, it’s a hollow victory in my opinion.
John McCain and the RNC lost this time around because they read the American people wrong and the conservatism of the American people. John McCain was no conservative, and I surmise politically he never has been. John McCain is a Washington insider, and to talk about change from his position on the inside didn’t ring true with most Americans. John McCain is a liberal leaning moderate, and a RINO (Republican in name only.)
John McCain tried to out socialize the socialist in this campaign and it didn’t work. And before you get mad at me, think about all the pandering John McCain did with your money, the bailout, healthcare, energy, government bureaucracy. In my mind it is evil to try and buy votes with promises of spending voter’s money through the manipulation of the different government bureaucracies you may control when you become president.
Another reason John McCain lost, was his lack of support of the U.S. Constitution. In John McCain’s political life it is clear to this talking head that the U.S. Constitution was low on his priorities when it came to doing what is right for America. If John McCain would not have supported three big pieces of liberal legislation, campaign finance reform, amnesty for illegal immigrants, carbon cap and trade, he would’ve had a better time convincing American he is a conservative. If John McCain would have went back to the U.S. Constitution, and campaigned on it, I’m convinced he would have won in a landslide. If John McCain would’ve stood against the bailouts and distinguished himself on this point, the election would have turned out different.
And let’s not forget about the RNC, they had left their conservative roots when they put G. W. Bush up for the presidency in 2000. They no longer showed that they had conservative criteria in which to allow people to run under the RNC banner. This last primary cycle showed just how moderate the RNC has become, by putting forth the most liberal group of men running under the RNC banner. Giuliani, Romney, Huckabee, McCain, are the most liberal so called conservatives I have ever seen allowed to run under a so called conservative party banner. The RNC has no stomach to discipline its own anymore.
And what about the talking heads on conservative talk radio who during the primaries had nothing good to say about McCain, but when he won the RNC nomination, men like Sean Hannity, Bill Bennett, Mike Gallagher, just to name a few, supported him just because they were putting party ahead of country. They tried to convince you to vote for John McCain, just to keep Barack Obama out of office. They pointed to John McCain’s military record as a rallying point to say he is a conservative, even though all other evidence pointed to the contrary! Why didn’t they look at the RNC and say “if you are not going to discipline the party and keep liberal Republicans from ruining the party, convince me why I should support you?” Why didn’t they, like me, look for a new party to put their political energy into, instead of rewarding the failure that is the RNC, by supporting it?
This is the first campaign in a long time that I was not emotionally committed to. I’m a member of the Constitution Party, and I had no elusions about winning the presidency, we did a good job just getting on the ballots in 38 states. I wrote Chuck Baldwin in, here in PA, as is my right and I feel good about my vote no matter what some RNC supporters may think.
In the end John McCain and the RNC failed because of their lack of conservatism.
Dan Clements is a member of the Constitution Party and the host of BACK TO BASIC a Christian/political internet talk show. You can listen to Dan live from 10am-12 noon EST. M-F at and
Last night the election took place and Barack Obama walked away with a convincing Electoral College vote. The popular vote was much closer, but when it comes to electing presidents, it’s the Electoral College that counts.
Barack Obama run a good campaign and out spent McCain 2 or 3 to 1. In this article we will not deal with the dishonesty of the Obama campaign, these have been enumerated throughout the presidential race. And winning at any cost, without regard to morals, honesty, and playing by the rules is no win at all, it’s a hollow victory in my opinion.
John McCain and the RNC lost this time around because they read the American people wrong and the conservatism of the American people. John McCain was no conservative, and I surmise politically he never has been. John McCain is a Washington insider, and to talk about change from his position on the inside didn’t ring true with most Americans. John McCain is a liberal leaning moderate, and a RINO (Republican in name only.)
John McCain tried to out socialize the socialist in this campaign and it didn’t work. And before you get mad at me, think about all the pandering John McCain did with your money, the bailout, healthcare, energy, government bureaucracy. In my mind it is evil to try and buy votes with promises of spending voter’s money through the manipulation of the different government bureaucracies you may control when you become president.
Another reason John McCain lost, was his lack of support of the U.S. Constitution. In John McCain’s political life it is clear to this talking head that the U.S. Constitution was low on his priorities when it came to doing what is right for America. If John McCain would not have supported three big pieces of liberal legislation, campaign finance reform, amnesty for illegal immigrants, carbon cap and trade, he would’ve had a better time convincing American he is a conservative. If John McCain would have went back to the U.S. Constitution, and campaigned on it, I’m convinced he would have won in a landslide. If John McCain would’ve stood against the bailouts and distinguished himself on this point, the election would have turned out different.
And let’s not forget about the RNC, they had left their conservative roots when they put G. W. Bush up for the presidency in 2000. They no longer showed that they had conservative criteria in which to allow people to run under the RNC banner. This last primary cycle showed just how moderate the RNC has become, by putting forth the most liberal group of men running under the RNC banner. Giuliani, Romney, Huckabee, McCain, are the most liberal so called conservatives I have ever seen allowed to run under a so called conservative party banner. The RNC has no stomach to discipline its own anymore.
And what about the talking heads on conservative talk radio who during the primaries had nothing good to say about McCain, but when he won the RNC nomination, men like Sean Hannity, Bill Bennett, Mike Gallagher, just to name a few, supported him just because they were putting party ahead of country. They tried to convince you to vote for John McCain, just to keep Barack Obama out of office. They pointed to John McCain’s military record as a rallying point to say he is a conservative, even though all other evidence pointed to the contrary! Why didn’t they look at the RNC and say “if you are not going to discipline the party and keep liberal Republicans from ruining the party, convince me why I should support you?” Why didn’t they, like me, look for a new party to put their political energy into, instead of rewarding the failure that is the RNC, by supporting it?
This is the first campaign in a long time that I was not emotionally committed to. I’m a member of the Constitution Party, and I had no elusions about winning the presidency, we did a good job just getting on the ballots in 38 states. I wrote Chuck Baldwin in, here in PA, as is my right and I feel good about my vote no matter what some RNC supporters may think.
In the end John McCain and the RNC failed because of their lack of conservatism.
Dan Clements is a member of the Constitution Party and the host of BACK TO BASIC a Christian/political internet talk show. You can listen to Dan live from 10am-12 noon EST. M-F at and
Financial crisis shows danger of ‘stuffaholism’
By Steve Diggs | for The Christian Chronicle
October 22, 2008
These are very frustrating days for America. We all have questions about the current economic crisis and its repercussions. What has happened? Who is at fault? What does this mean for my family’s future?
As Christians, we place our faith in an unchanging God. But as citizens, we want to know about the circumstances that led to a massive breach of our trust.
While there’s plenty of blame to go around, at the heart of it all was the belief that God was wrong, that the borrower is not the slave of the lender (Proverbs 22). We began to believe that by digging an ever-
deepening hole that we could eventually build a mountain of wealth.
We are a culture that is saturated with “stuffaholism.” Jesus referred to this as “loving the things of this world.” We have fallen for the lie that equates stuff, sex and money with happiness. If that were true, then the happiest families would all be in Hollywood!
Sadly, many Christians who are called to be the “salt of the earth” have lost our savor. Many of us are in the same mess. Even Christians, who would be critical of others who abuse drugs and alcohol, think nothing of anesthetizing the pain they feel when the credit card bill arrives by going back to the mall.
There are three lessons that might turn this very difficult experience into a learning experience and growing opportunity for us:
• Jesus’ half-brother James put a high premium on wisdom (James 1:5). Today there seems to be confusion between wisdom and knowledge. Knowledge is what tells us that tomatoes are a fruit; wisdom is what tells us not to put a tomato into a fruit salad.
Today’s world has plenty of knowledge but a dearth of wisdom. It’s time to realize that whenever one gets something for nothing there eventually will be a disproportionate price to pay.
• King Solomon was fond of saying, “There is nothing new under the sun.” Is this so different than any other crisis, including the Great Depression? The root cause is the same. It pivots on the three things that John warned the early Christians to be on guard against. “Do not love the world, nor the things of the world … For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world” (1 John 2:15,16).
• The best financial teaching is in the Bible. Paul told his protege, Timothy, the secret to dealing with money in 1 Timothy 6:17-19: “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.”
Note the three things Paul says to wealthy Christians (and in a global sense, a majority of us are wealthy).
First, he tells us not to be prideful and arrogant.
Second, Christians should not put their trust in their 401(k) plans. As we’ve all seen, dollars in the bank do not guarantee anything.
Third, the wealthy are encouraged to enjoy their wealth — but to be ready to share at the drop of a hat. It gets back to appreciating the difference between knowing a lot about wealth and actually having the wisdom to use our wealth properly.
I would submit that what we are experiencing might not necessarily be a bad thing. Most humans (Christians, too) only look up when they have been sucker-punched and are lying face-up on the floor. That’s when we tend to see the eternal through the temporal.
Will we as a nation get through this? I suspect we will. Over the last 100 years, stocks have gained value in every 10-year period, including during the Great Depression. Will there be pain in the meantime? I suspect there will be.
The question is: How will we respond to this tempest in the teapot of eternity?
What if this causes Christians to again become salt? What if we led by example? What if we bought fewer “extras?” What if we paid off our credit cards, bought cars we could afford and saved more than we spent?
What if we always had money to give to others — and were truly ready unto every good deed?
STEVE DIGGS is a minister for the Antioch church in Nashville, Tenn. He presents the No Debt No Sweat! Christian Money Management Seminar at churches and other venues nationwide. For more information, see or call (615) 300-8263.
October 22, 2008
These are very frustrating days for America. We all have questions about the current economic crisis and its repercussions. What has happened? Who is at fault? What does this mean for my family’s future?
As Christians, we place our faith in an unchanging God. But as citizens, we want to know about the circumstances that led to a massive breach of our trust.
While there’s plenty of blame to go around, at the heart of it all was the belief that God was wrong, that the borrower is not the slave of the lender (Proverbs 22). We began to believe that by digging an ever-
deepening hole that we could eventually build a mountain of wealth.
We are a culture that is saturated with “stuffaholism.” Jesus referred to this as “loving the things of this world.” We have fallen for the lie that equates stuff, sex and money with happiness. If that were true, then the happiest families would all be in Hollywood!
Sadly, many Christians who are called to be the “salt of the earth” have lost our savor. Many of us are in the same mess. Even Christians, who would be critical of others who abuse drugs and alcohol, think nothing of anesthetizing the pain they feel when the credit card bill arrives by going back to the mall.
There are three lessons that might turn this very difficult experience into a learning experience and growing opportunity for us:
• Jesus’ half-brother James put a high premium on wisdom (James 1:5). Today there seems to be confusion between wisdom and knowledge. Knowledge is what tells us that tomatoes are a fruit; wisdom is what tells us not to put a tomato into a fruit salad.
Today’s world has plenty of knowledge but a dearth of wisdom. It’s time to realize that whenever one gets something for nothing there eventually will be a disproportionate price to pay.
• King Solomon was fond of saying, “There is nothing new under the sun.” Is this so different than any other crisis, including the Great Depression? The root cause is the same. It pivots on the three things that John warned the early Christians to be on guard against. “Do not love the world, nor the things of the world … For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world” (1 John 2:15,16).
• The best financial teaching is in the Bible. Paul told his protege, Timothy, the secret to dealing with money in 1 Timothy 6:17-19: “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.”
Note the three things Paul says to wealthy Christians (and in a global sense, a majority of us are wealthy).
First, he tells us not to be prideful and arrogant.
Second, Christians should not put their trust in their 401(k) plans. As we’ve all seen, dollars in the bank do not guarantee anything.
Third, the wealthy are encouraged to enjoy their wealth — but to be ready to share at the drop of a hat. It gets back to appreciating the difference between knowing a lot about wealth and actually having the wisdom to use our wealth properly.
I would submit that what we are experiencing might not necessarily be a bad thing. Most humans (Christians, too) only look up when they have been sucker-punched and are lying face-up on the floor. That’s when we tend to see the eternal through the temporal.
Will we as a nation get through this? I suspect we will. Over the last 100 years, stocks have gained value in every 10-year period, including during the Great Depression. Will there be pain in the meantime? I suspect there will be.
The question is: How will we respond to this tempest in the teapot of eternity?
What if this causes Christians to again become salt? What if we led by example? What if we bought fewer “extras?” What if we paid off our credit cards, bought cars we could afford and saved more than we spent?
What if we always had money to give to others — and were truly ready unto every good deed?
STEVE DIGGS is a minister for the Antioch church in Nashville, Tenn. He presents the No Debt No Sweat! Christian Money Management Seminar at churches and other venues nationwide. For more information, see or call (615) 300-8263.
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