Saturday, September 6, 2008

Character and Principle!

By: Dan Clements September 6, 2008

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines character as; 2a: one of the attributes or features that make up and distinguish an individual. Principle is defined as; 1 a: a comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine, or assumption b (1): a rule or code of conduct.
Most folks think that a person of character and principle are people who do the right thing, even when no one is watching.
From a military stand point, John McCain is a man of character and principle. He proved it over and over again when he was a POW in Viet Nam. There is no one I would rather be with in a military pinch, than John McCain. Mr. McCain showed he is a man of the highest character and principle when it comes to being a military man.
From a political stand point, John McCain is on shaky ground, when it comes to character and principle. Let me make this point clear, when John McCain was in the military he adhered to the UCMJ, and lived by a code of honor few Americans have experienced or understand. In John McCain’s political life, he has proven time and time again, he does not adhere to a code you can put your finger on. As an American, we live in a constitutional republic, and have a constitution that we need to live under and adhere to. Time and time again John McCain has refused to adhere to the U.S. Constitution, something that He and I both swore an oath to uphold, defend and protect. I’m not a combat veteran, but I served our country honorably for 4 years in the U.S. Navy, and 3 years in the PA Army National Guard.
McCain co-authored a campaign-finance reform bill that angered advocacy groups on the right and the left. He co-authored cap and trade carbon legislation with then-Democratic Sen. Joe Lieberman. McCain angered the GOP base last year when he championed an amnesty bill that would have set up a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. The bill bombed, and rightly so, but not before McCain insulted almost every critic of the bill. If you look at most of the legislation either sponsored or co-sponsored by John McCain, you don’t see much of the U.S. Constitution. When did our law makers stop considering if a bill was constitutional or not? When did being a maverick where the constitution is concerned a good thing?
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines maverick as; 2: an independent individual who does not go along with a group or party. I don’t care if John McCain wants to be a maverick in the Republican Party, but I wish he would stop playing fast and loose with WE THE PEOPLE’S CONSTITUTION! John McCain is not the only politician doing this, but he is the political leader of a political party and may wield great influence if elected POTUS. John McCain has shown the American people time and time again, at least politically, he is a man of little character and principle. To continually go against the U.S. Constitution on a whole host of issues, only show us one thing, John McCain doesn’t understand what the Constitution is for or how to uphold, defend, and protect the same outside of the military!
This is the reason why November 4th I will be pulling the leaver for the Constitution Party, Chuck Baldwin and Darrell Castle. If you listen to Chuck Baldwin and the Constitution Party, they want to lead according to the U.S. Constitution, and bring this country back to its constitutional roots. Chuck Baldwin, when he becomes POTUS, will cut the size of government, including doing away with the IRS. Chuck Baldwin will secure our borders, and bring to this country a more constitutional foreign policy. Chuck Baldwin is a man of character will use the U.S. Constitution as his guiding principle in governing WE THE PEOPLE!

Dan Clements is a member of the Constitution Party and the host of BACK TO BASIC a Christian/political internet talk show. You can listen to Dan live from 10am-12 noon EST. M-F at and

Friday, September 5, 2008

What does, environmentalism, communism, secular humanism, and moral relativism have in common? Force

By Dan Clements
September 1, 2008

Every “ism” I mentioned in the title of this article has one thing in common, Force. I’m a person who doesn’t react well when someone tries to force me to do something. When I was a young lad in school, every now and again a bully tried to force me to do something, usually something that I didn’t wan to do. And for the most part it turned out badly, for the bully in the end. Either I would handle the situation on my own, or friends would step in and help. Either way, the bully was stopped and life moved on.
I’m no different today. When someone tries to bully me, more times then not I push back. I’m not talking about physical intimidation; I’m talking about intellectual intimidation. Don’t squirt me with a hose and then try to tell me it’s raining, that dog won’t hunt.
In order for the “ism’s” to accomplish their goals, they need to force its agenda on an uneducated, unsuspecting populace. They work on peoples emotions and fears by telling them half truths and out right lies. They tell them that the earth will burn up, freeze, or just outright not support life anymore as we know it, without offering any proven facts to back up their arguments.
They tell the people that the only way they can live meaningful lives is for the government to control every aspect of their lives, and yet have very little controls placed on their own lives.
They tell the people that there is no God and try to use science and superior human intellect to deny the evidence that is right in front of them.
They tell you there are no moral absolutes. Oh really? They try to convince the people there are no black and white in moral issues, only shades of gray, except when something bad happens to them.
And how do they do this? One way is to keep the people so busy working or playing, they don’t seem to have the time to keep themselves informed. Either we are working till sometime in July to pay all the taxes we owe every level of government, or we are in debt up to our eyeballs and have no spare time, because we are working two jobs. And then when we do have some spare time, we can’t think about anything else except or own self indulgences we use as an escape from reality, so we can get through our jobs until our next time off. What a circle of life we have.
And if some how we do find time to try to inform ourselves, the Lamestream media is to busy kissing up to the cause of the moment, to properly inform the people on all aspects of an issue, and letting them decide for themselves what to think. God forbid.
We have an education system that is designed to keep people on the lower end of the intelligence scale, because we are to worried about whether little Johnny, or Susie are going to complete a senior project for graduation, instead of making sure they know the three “R’s”, government, economics, and self reliance. It doesn’t take a village to build a healthy society; it takes individuals well grounded in truth, facts and reason to make the society healthy.

The proponents of the “ism’s” have only one tool to move their agenda forward in the face of fact, truth, and reason and that’s force. It comes in the form of intellectual intimidation, judicial legislation, or out right brute force of arms.
Secular humanism and moral relativism use intellectual intimidation to move forward. Just because someone has a degree hanging on their wall doesn’t mean they are wise or intelligent, only that they are educated. Wisdom and intelligence come with time and experience. They try to use their education to prove they are right without providing any facts or evidence to prove their arguments.
Environmentalist and communist are cut from the same cloth. Oh the environmental movement may have started out with lofty goals and ambitions, but when the communist saw a way to try and control people through environmental reforms, they couldn’t line up fast enough. There is entirely too much liberty and freedom going on out there, and what better way to control people, fear. Fear is a big motivating factor. If they had my event in the Olympics, I would win it hands down every time. The event would be the 100 yard dash in a total blind panic. Once you make people afraid of something, the easier it is to force them to do something about it. People don’t think when they are afraid, they only react.
Tell people whatever it takes to make then afraid, an environmental crisis, a corrupt government out to take over your country or your life, a false religion killing people and remaking countries in their own twisted ideology, rouge corporations making to much profit yada yada yada. You get the picture.
The only defense against “isms” is knowledge. I not talking about any old run of the mill knowledge, I’m talking about knowledge grounded in fact and truth. This type of knowledge only comes with effort and hard work. This type of knowledge only comes from employing logic to the arguments that are presented to us by those who seek to control us. Don’t ever except what I say at face value. Contrary to popular belief, I do make mistakes and can be wrong, and I’m secure enough in my conservatism to admit that.
When you here or read something, no matter what the subject, especially when it comes to politics ask questions. Don’t be afraid to hurt someone’s feelings by asking them questions. If the person you are asking the question of, is truly intelligent and wise, they will not hesitate to explain their position, and give you facts and truth to back up their position. How ever, if the person you ask a question of evades the question, or better yet gives you a non answer, be afraid of what comes next from that person. Honest, truthful, caring people will always take time to lay out their arguments so anyone can understand the argument and come away from the encounter better informed.
The only way the “isms” can survive? We the People keep ourselves ignorant. True and factual knowledge is power and people who want to control other people will do anything in their power to keep people like mushrooms, in the dark and full of manure!

Dan Clements is a member of the Constitution Party and the host of BACK TO BASIC a Christian/political internet talk show. You can listen to Dan live from 10am-12 noon EST. M-F at and